Adopted as Goal 6 of 'Moon Shot System' promoted by Cabinet Office (September 2020)

Quantum teleportation to diamonds

Research and development of quantum communication networks necessary for the realization of large-scale distributed quantum computers

Development of Quantum Interfaces for Building Quantum Computer Networks

The research and development project "Development of Quantum interfaces for Building Quantum Computer Networks" proposed by Professor Hideo Kosaka of Yokohama National University was adopted as Goal 6 of the following moonshot system (*) (September 2020). *) The moonshot type R & D system is a new system that aims to create disruptive innovation originating in Japan and promotes challenging research and development (moonshot) based on bolder ideas that are not an extension of conventional technology.≫Click here for details


Our project has been featured in a article in Nature.

PM Hideo Kosaka gave an invited talk on our project at Moonshot Goal 6: International Symposium.

Press Release: New method of controlling qubits could advance quantum computers

[Apply now] We have started recruiting Specially Appointed Assistant Professors at the Quantum Information Research Center.

Press Release: Fault-tolerant quantum computer memory in diamond

The Quantum Information Research Center, whose Center Director is PM Hideo Kosaka, is the first academic institution to join the Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution(Q-STAR).

The Moonshot Public Symposium 2022 for Goal 6 was held.
The presentation given by the project manager Hideo Kosaka can be viewed here.(Japanese only)

Press Release: Flawed diamonds may provide perfect interface for quantum computers

Looking for members of the Moonshot R & D project, which aims to realize a quantum information society in 2050 !!

Moonshot R&D Program (Cabinet Office/JST) project manager for quantum information.

The International Symposium for Moonshot Goal 6 was held.
The presentation given by the project manager Hideo Kosaka can be viewed here.

[Must arrive on 1/8] We have started recruiting specially appointed faculty members (assistant professors) at the Quantum Information Research Center.

Katsunori Kawano Appointed Research Strategy Planning Manager

Quantum Information Research Center has been opened.

Hideo Kosaka, Director of the Center, has been selected as the project manager for the Moonshot R & D project.

The research results news of Director Hideo Kosaka and others ranked 6th in the world in annual views on EurekAlert !.